Pneumatology of The Anaphora of St. Basil the Great (Hermeneutic Analysis of the Russian Text)


  • Larisa Ivanovna Marsheva Sretensky Theological Academy
  • Konstantin Andreevich Tsyrelchuk Sretensky Theological Academy


Orthodox worship, liturgical texts in Russian, Church Slavonic, hermeneutic analysis, St. Basil the Great, anaphora, pneumatology


At the present stage, there is a corpus of liturgical texts in Russian, translated from Greek or Church Slavonic. Their hermeneutical analysis from the point of view of theology and philology allows, on the one hand, to identify the original meaning of the text, and on the other, to consider its translation transformations. This article, based on The Anaphora of St. Basil the Great, analyzes the teaching of the Holy Spirit of St. Basil the Great, as well as the correspondence of the Russian text of this Eucharistic prayer to the Greek original and its Church Slavonic version.

Author Biographies

Larisa Ivanovna Marsheva, Sretensky Theological Academy

Science Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Ancient and New Languages of the Sretensky Theological Academy

Konstantin Andreevich Tsyrelchuk, Sretensky Theological Academy

Master of Theology, postgraduate student of the Sretensky Theological Academy





Pr actical Theology