Eugenics after World War II


  • Bishop Siluan of Peterhof (Nikitin) St. Petersburg Theological Academy


eugenics, Francis Galton, ECO, William Inge, genetic engineering, Charles Darwin


This article reveals the content of the concept of “eugenics”, outlines the main stages of the formation of this phenomenon from its origins to the present. The author pays special attention to the personalities who made a significant contribution to the development of eugenics after World War II. The article also outlines the attitude of various Christian denominations to eugenics. At the end of the article, the author formulates an Orthodox view on the problematics of the issue, highlighting the methods of eugenics that cannot be accepted by the Orthodox Church.

Author Biography

Bishop Siluan of Peterhof (Nikitin), St. Petersburg Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Rector, Associate Professor of the Department of Church History
of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy





Historical Theology