Archival Statutory texts that supplement the Charter of the Sarov cenobitic monastery


  • Hieromonk Pavel (Dudorov)


Sarov coenobitical Charter, instructions, disciplinary Charter, the original Hieroschemimonk Joahn, Hieromonk Ephraim (Korotkov), Hieromonk Pachomius (Leonov), cellarer, monastic dean, church obediences, short monetization, Jerusalem Typicon, daily circle of worship, moleben (prayer service), Liturgy, Tzar memorial service


In this article, the author, relying on archival sources, presents a consistent list and description of the Statutory texts of the Sarov Cenobitic Desert, complementing the written Sarov Charte. The study includes the structuring of these texts and the analysis of the main ideological and content aspects. On the basis of carefully studied archival materials, the author gives his own analytical comments and conclusions on the texts. The presented handwritten texts indicate the development of the disciplinary and statutory tradition of the Sarov Monastery. In addition, the above Statutory Records reveal in more detail both the church-liturgical obediences in the communal desert, and the direct performance of monastic worship as such, which is of undoubted church-historical significance.

Author Biography

Hieromonk Pavel (Dudorov)

Graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy 2006;
Applicant for the degree of Candidate of Theology (Russia)





Pr actical Theology