The teaching of the ancient Fathers of the Church about the Church hierarchy
Church, hierarchy, sacred hierarchy, salvation, institution by God, priesthood, ordination, Nomocanon, EucharistAbstract
This article examines the question of the place and significance of the church hierarchy in the life of the Orthodox Church, which has been very important since ancient times, since it is closely connected with the salvation of man and society. The fact that the sacred hierarchy was established by the Lord and that it is in inseparable connection with the establishment of the Church is directly indicated in the first and main source — in the Holy Scriptures, and is also unambiguously reflected in the teachings of the ancient fathers of the Church, who became the continuers and embodiers of Divine commands. The article examines a number of examples from the books of the Old and New Testaments about the divine establishment of the sacred church hierarchy. The article highlights the teaching of such authoritative church authors as St. Clement of Rome, St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, St. John Chrysostom, St. Dionysius the Areopagite. In the preparation of the article, the ancient Nomocanon was used — also an authoritative evidence of continuity in the understanding of the divine institution of the hierarchical structure of the Church. In conclusion, it is said that the church hierarchy cannot be classified as a purely human phenomenon, because it is a God-human reality with soteriological significance, since exactly where there is a true hierarchy, there is a Divine way of life and the fullness of the gifts of Divine grace.