Retelling of the praise to Vladimir Svyatoslavich, known from the ‘Tale of Bygone Years’ (996), on behalf of a Russian scribe of the middle of the XVI century


  • Vladimir Mikhailovich Kirillin Sretensky Theological Academy


the image of the holy prince, evaluative characteristics, social work, autocratic and autocratic power, God-established power, feast


The article contains an analysis of a detailed commendable section in the Life of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, compiled for the “Stepennaya Book” at the turn of the 50-60s. of the 16th century. It reveals and evaluates the nature of the lexico-phraseological and structural-content changes introduced into the given text in comparison with its literary sources, and in this way the ideological tasks of the compiler of the Life are determined.

Author Biography

Vladimir Mikhailovich Kirillin, Sretensky Theological Academy

ScD in Philology, Professor
A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS,
Sretensky Theological Academy,
Moscow Theological Academy (Russia)





Historical Theology