An Attempt of Orthodox understanding of the axiological aspect of Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy


  • Alexei V. Kurochkin Sretensky Theological Academy


values, logotherapy, Viktor Frankl, creativity, experience, attitude, degradation, pastoral care, psychological counseling, Holy Fathers, Orthodoxy


Viktor Frankl in his logotherapy method attached great importance to values, which, according to his point of view, not only protect from personal degradation, but also contribute to finding the meaning of life. Among the values in logotherapy, Frankl particularly emphasizes creativity, experience and attitude towards an irreversible event. This article provides a comparative patristic (Orthodox) analysis of the axiological aspect of logotherapy. The results of the analysis reveal points of contact between Christian doctrine and V. Frankl’s logotherapy, its potential, which may contribute to a constructive dialogue between specialists in secular psychology and Orthodox theology. At the same time, the theological analysis highlights the difference between Christian doctrine and V. Frankl’s logotherapy, which can be useful in making a balanced decision when choosing this method or some of its techniques for pastoral care or psychological counseling.

Author Biography

Alexei V. Kurochkin, Sretensky Theological Academy

Master of theology, postgraduate Senior Lecturer
at the Sretensky Theological Academy (Russia)





Theoretical Theology