Parts of the internal structure of an orthodox church: the history of names


  • Nadezhda K. Malinauskene


Church terminology, Greek language, Russian language, loanwords, Orthodox church


The proposed article is a continuation of previously published articles on the history of architecture of church monuments. The following names of types of Orthodox monasteries and types of Christian churches, as well as parts of the Orthodox Church, are studied by the designations of their internal architectural elements (pulpit, iconostasis, catapetasma, kiot/kivot, choir, solea, choirs). Special attention is paid to the etymology of the words of this group, as well as their semantic evolution at the origins of the language and the history of the Russian language. First, a comprehensive linguistic analysis of this group of terms using dictionary materials from different times is carried out.

Author Biography

Nadezhda K. Malinauskene

Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, volunteer consultant of the SThA, where she taught until 2014. Now she is engaged in proactive scientific research.





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