About the place of birth and the areas of the early period of the life of Holy Reverend Hilarion (Ponomarev) on archival materials and on the current situation of the optinsky elder’s small fatherland


  • Archpriest Nikolai Skurat Sretensky Theological Academy


преподобный Иларион Оптинский, старец, Иродион (Родион) Никитич Пономарев, житие, жизнеописание, родина, сельцо Ключи, Тихвинская церковь, село Тихвинка, село Кутки, река Савала, река Хопер, Воронежская губерния, Новохоперский уезд, Новохоперск, Морская гора, Крестовоздвиженский собор, НИОР РГБ, ГАВО (Воронеж)


On the basis of printed and unpublished archival sources this article clarifies the place of birth of Herodion (Rodion) Nikitich Ponomarev — the future holy Reverend elder of Optina Hieromonk Hilarion, the areas of his residence in the Voronezh province — in infancy, childhood, adolescence and youth, and their current state. Are considered and the following tasks are set to study the elder’s life path to clarify his scientific biography and veneration of memorable places of him.

Author Biography

Archpriest Nikolai Skurat, Sretensky Theological Academy

associate professor of the Sretensky Theological Academy (SThA), secretary of the Academic Council of the SThA, cleric of the Church of the Holy Prophet of God Elijah, reputed to be Obydenn, which is behind the Prechistensky Gate in Moscow, Deputy Chairman of the Liturgical Commission of the Diocesan Council of the City of Moscow.




