“Breach of oath” or “perjury in a court of law”? Canonical hermeneutics of Apostolic rule 25. part I


  • Archpriest Alexander Zadornov Sretensky Theological Academy


canon law, jurisprudence of the Russian Orthodox Church, Apostolic Rules, canonical hermeneutics


One of the main problem points of modern canon law is the lack of normative regulation of the canonical heritage — starting from
the most general task of determining the relevance of a canonical norm to the rules of concrete application of the polemics. The article attempts to define such rules through the demonstration of the ambivalence of the judicial application of the 25th Apostolic Rule in the contemporary life of the Russian Orthodox Church, analyzes the canonical and historical material on the application of the norm of this rule and identifies further ways of its use.

Author Biography

Archpriest Alexander Zadornov, Sretensky Theological Academy

Zadornov Alexander Vladimirovich, Archpriest, Associate Professor, Vice-­Rector for Scientific and Theological Work of the Moscow Theological Academy (MThA), Head of the Department of Church-­Practical and General Humanities of the Sretensky Theological Academy (SThA), member of the Inter-­Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church and secretary of the Inter-­Council Presence Commission on Church Law, rector of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord on Bolshaya Nikitskaya (Minor Ascension).





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