Evagrius Ponticus. Antirrheticus (Discourses III–IV)

Translation of the Syriac Version, Preface and Notes by A. A. Morozov


  • Alexey A. Morozov Fribourg University


Eastern monasticism, Evagrius of Pontus, Syriac language, Biblical text, Ascetic tradition, antirrhetic


In this paper by Dr. Alexey Morozov, the Russian translation of Discourses III–IV from Evagrius Ponticus’ ascetical work «Antirrhetikos» is published for the first time. These are «The Third Discourse Against Greed» and «The Fourth Discourse on the Thoughts of the Demon of Sadness». The Russian translation, based on the Syriac version of the text, is accompanied by a brief preface in which the author provides a biography of Evagrius and an overview of his major works. Special attention is given to the structure of the «Antirrhetikos», its dating, as well as the manuscript tradition and modern translations of the text.

Author Biography

Alexey A. Morozov, Fribourg University

PhD in Philology (Greek Studies), Sorbonne University PhD in Theology, Fribourg University Lecturer-Assistant at the Department of Patrology and History of the Church at the Faculty of Theology of Fribourg University (Switzerland) Postdoc researcher at the Faculty of Theology of Fribourg University (Switzerland) Secretary of the Swiss Patristic Studies Group





Practical theology