Saint Justin of Chelie (Popovitch). Commentary on Gospel of John (20-21)
Translation from Serbian by Sergey P. Fonov
Justin of Chelye (Popovitch), Bible, Gospel of John, John the Theologian, patristic exegesisAbstract
The publication is a translation from Serbian of the final part of the Commentary on the Holy Gospel of John by the famous Serbian holy theologian and prolific Church writer of the ХХ century — St. Justin of Chelye (Popovitch) (1894–1979). In his exegesis St. Justin combines a deeply Orthodox understanding of the Gospel text, patristic exegesis and his own original theological and philosophical thought and worldview. The translation was made by S. P. Fonov according to the publication: Јустин Ћелијски (Поповић), преподобни. Тумачење Светог Јеванђеља по Јовану. Београд, Ваљево: Манастир Ћелије, 2001.