The Narrow Path of Patristic Theology (Two Patrological Essays)
Alexey Ivanovich Sidorov, patrology, patristics, Holy Church Fathers, priest Georges FlorovskyAbstract
In one of his very last articles ready to be published, Alexey Ivanovich Sidorov, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, discusses the principles of the Orthodox approach to study the heritage of the Holy Church Fathers. In this regard, he draws a distinction between the notions of «patrology» and «patristics», pointing out the need to link the true patrological science with the spiritual ascetic Orthodox life, yet also indicating, that to study auxiliary disciplines (philosophy, philology, literary studies, history, etc.) at the first place is unacceptable for studies of the Holy Church Fathers. These two essays represent a sort of «scientific testament» made by the late Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy.