«Statutes of our Father and Elder Paisuius [Velitchkovsky]» in manuscript in The National Archive of Republic Moldova № 2119.2.22, № 2119.2.32
Preparation of text Slavic, preface and notes by Petr B. Zhgun
Прп. Паисий (Величковский), ученики прп. Паисия (Величковского), монастырь Драгомирна, монастырь Секу, умная молитва, молитва Иисусова, православный аскетизмAbstract
The published text represents the statutes of the monastic communities under the leadership of St. Paisius Velitchkovsky, set out by him personally in messages to the bishop, created in 1763 and 1778 respectively. The full Church Slavonic text is published for the first time.