Hermitage as a Landing: “Ladies-companions” by K. N. Leontiev and “Green Hermitage” by I. L. Leontiev (Ivan Shcheglov): two unfinished novels about Optina Pustyn
K. N. Leontiev, I. L. Leontiev (Ivan Shcheglov), Optina Pustyn, monastery, Russian literature, unfinished worksAbstract
The author of the article reconstructs and compares the history of the creation of two unfinished works dedicated to Optina Pustyn. Their plans arose almost simultaneously (1889 and 1891), and both of them were not completed. The subject of the research is the unfinished novel by K. N. Leontiev «Female friends» and sketches for the novel by his namesake I. L. Leontiev «Green Hermitage». What makes the plot particularly interesting is that the two writers met in Optina Pustyn (1891).