An Orthodox Syrian Manuscript of Isaac of Nineveh’s 1st Volume, Sinai syr. 24 (A Publication of Scattered Parts)

Edition, Foreword, and Comments by Hieromonk Nikon (Skarga)


  • Hieromonk Nikon (Skarga) Optina Pustin Monastery


Isaac of Nineveh, texts of Holy Fathers, Syrian manuscript, manuscript tradition, Melkite, citation attribution, identification


The paper introduces a Syrian text of the Sinaitic manuscript Sin. syr. 24, compiled of three scattered parts: Par. syr. 378, fol. 61–68; Milan A inf. 296, fol. 122–
129; Sin. syr. 14, the sheet is located after the fol. 182. The significance of the Sinaitic text is still somewhat underrated by scientific community. A certain similarity of this copy to the Greek translation of VIII–IXths centuries watershed allows to clarify substantially the textological picture of this translation. On the other hand, the age of this copy, the textological parallels, and the identical citation attribution under the same names, makes it possible to view this copy as one of the protographs for the West-Syrian (Monophysitism) tradition. The paper also indicates two identifications that haven’t been mentioned in the scientific community before. The lost sheet of the Sinaitic Manuscript contained in the Manuscript of Sin. syr. 14 after the fol. 182,
and a text passage from the 6th Word/Treatise, which is mentioned as an independent treatise under the title “On the blessed dwellings” in the “Greek Ephrem” corpus.

Author Biography

Hieromonk Nikon (Skarga), Optina Pustin Monastery

A cenobite of the Stauropegial Monastery for Men In Optina Pustin of the Presentation to the Temple
249723, Kaluga Oblast. Kozelsk, Optina Pustin Monastery





Editions and translations